LeeJohn Code Monkey

博客评论插件 Disqus 的 shortname 相关


博客菜鸟,根据别人教程,用Jekyll框架搭建的博客,刚开始对于评论插件Disqus一直存在配置问题,刷不出来。查过资料,才知道Jekyll的_config.yml中的 disqus_shortname 并非是注册的 Disqus 用户名。本文记录配置评论插件Disqus碰到的问题,及其解决方法。


# comments
# two ways to comment, only choose one, and use your own short name
# 两种评论插件,选一个就好了,使用自己的 short_name
duoshuo_shortname: #hygblog
disqus_shortname: xxx

disqus_shortname填写错误可能出现以下报错: We were unable to load Disqus. If you are a moderator please see our troubleshooting guide.

此处的disqus_shortname并非是你的Disqus注册的username,Disqus的username和shortname是两个不同的东西。注册Disqus username之后,只能管理你自己账户的评论;而如果要后台管理博客中的评论,需要为Disuqs注册一个shortname,并绑定博客网站。

What’s a shortname?

A shortname is the unique identifier assigned to a Disqus site. All the comments posted to a site are referenced with the shortname. The shortname tells Disqus to load only your site’s comments, as well as the settings specified in your Disqus admin.

Do I need a shortname?

Yes. To manage comments in Disqus you will need to register your site and install Disqus on your site using the shortname registered.

Choosing a shortname

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a shortname:

  • Your shortname cannot be changed once it is registered. Be sure it’s the one you want.
  • Your shortname will not appear publicly. However, your website name will show up in a number of places including (but not limited to): email notifications, the My Disqus tab, the Community tab, and the Discovery box.

Adjust your website name in forum Settings > General.


  1. https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/466208
  2. https://learn.uberflip.com/h/i/135492527-how-to-get-a-disqus-shortname-for-your-hub-youll-need-it
